
Displaying 501 - 550 of total 820 publications
Source: Scopus
  • 501. Mishra J.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Importance of Supra-Segmental Information and Self-Supervised Framework for Spoken Language Diarization Task", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.
  • 502. Tzudir M.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Prosodic Information in Dialect Identification of a Tonal Language: The case of Ao", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2022.
  • 503. Venkata Raghavendra I.; Banavath S.N.; Muhammed Ajmal C.N.; Ray A., "Modular Bidirectional Solid-State DC Circuit Breaker for Next-Generation Electric Aircrafts", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics , 2022.
  • 504. Dasare A.; Deepak K.T.; Prasanna M.; Samudra Vijaya K., "Text to Speech System for Lambani-A Zero Resource, Tribal Language of India", 2022 25th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-Ordination and Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques, O-COCOSDA 2022 - Proceedings , 2022.
  • 505. Krushnamurthy P.H.; Das S.; Dhananjaya G.; Mahanta N., "Therapeutic Implications of Piperlongumine", Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects: Volume 1 , 2022.
  • 506. Marx D.; Sandeep R.B., "Incompressibility of H-free edge modification problems: Towards a dichotomy", Journal of Computer and System Sciences , 2022.
  • 507. Agarwal A.; Swain A.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Speaker Anonymization for Machines using Sinusoidal Model", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications , 2022.
  • 508. Raghavendra I V.; Naik B.S.; Sreekanth T.; Chub A., "Controlled Bidirectional DC Circuit Breaker With Zero Negative Current for High Load Shift Applications", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , 2022.
  • 509. Marinaik M.S.; Maheshwarappa G.K.; Kadayinti N., "A True Time Delay Element using Cascaded Variable Bandwidth All Pass Filters", Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 2022.
  • 510. Padakandla S.; Prabuchandran J.K.; Ganguly S.; Bhatnagar S., "Data Efficient Safe Reinforcement Learning", Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics , 2022.
  • 511. Ayesta U.; Bodas T.; Dorsman J.-P.L.; Verloop I.M., "A Token-Based Central Queue with Order-Independent Service Rates", Operations Research , 2022.
  • 512. Raghavendra V.I.; Banavath S.N.; Thamballa S., "Modified Z-Source DC Circuit Breaker with Enhanced Performance during Commissioning and Reclosing", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics , 2022.
  • 513. Kumar A.; Choi B.J.; Pandey S.K.; Park S.; Choi S.I.; Shekhawat H.S.; De Neve W.; Saini M.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Singh D., "Exploring Multimodal Features and Fusion for Time-Continuous Prediction of Emotional Valence and Arousal", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.
  • 514. Kulkarni S.; Kummara S.; Gorthala G.; Ghosh R., "CuO Nanoflake-Based Sensors for Detecting Linalool, Hexanal, and Methyl Salicylate", ACS Agricultural Science and Technology , 2022.
  • 515. Mohan A.; Sahoo A.K.; Mondal S., "A tunable impedance matching strategy for RF energy harvesting systems", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing , 2022.
  • 516. Raja P.V.; Raynaud C.; Sonneville C.; Morel H.; Phung L.V.; Ngo T.H.; De Mierry P.; Frayssinet E.; Maher H.; Cordier Y.; Planson D., "Deep Level Transient Fourier Spectroscopy (DLTFS) and Isothermal Transient Spectroscopy (ITS) in vertical GaN-on-GaN Schottky barrier diodes", Micro and Nanostructures , 2022.
  • 517. Dinesh A.; Mulla A.K., "Guaranteed Cost Robust Output Feedback Control for Finite-time Boundedness of Uncertain Linear Systems", 2022 European Control Conference, ECC 2022 , 2022.
  • 518. Diddigi R.B.; Jain P.; Prabuchandran J.K.; Bhatnagar S., "Neural Network Compatible Off-Policy Natural Actor-Critic Algorithm", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks , 2022.
  • 519. Thube Y.S.; Gotkhindi T.P., "A novel hybrid technique to decompose in-plane thermoelastic displacement fields into thermal and structural displacement fields", Acta Mechanica , 2022.
  • 520. Agarwal A.; Swain A.; Mishra J.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Significance of Prosody Modification in Privacy Preservation on speaker verification", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022 , 2022.
  • 521. Centofanti C.; Marotta A.; Gudepu V.; Cassioli D.; Graziosi F.; Roberts H.; Bernard C.; Kondepu K., "End-to-end Slicing of RAN based on Next Generation Optical Access Network", International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, ANTS , 2022.
  • 522. Ramanathan S.; Kondepu K.; Fumagalli A., "Resiliency in Open-Source Solutions for Disaggregated 5G Cloud Radio Access and Transport Networks", 2022 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, NFV-SDN 2022 - Proceedings , 2022.
  • 523. Borromeo J.C.; Kondepu K.; Andriolli N.; Valcarenghi L., "FPGA-accelerated SmartNIC for supporting 5G virtualized Radio Access Network", Computer Networks , 2022.
  • 524. Das S.; Das S.; Prabhu S.; Sen S., "On fractional version of oriented coloring", Discrete Applied Mathematics , 2022.
  • 525. Pradhan L.; Varma R.; Venkatramanan D.; Kumar P.; Mohan N.; Kshirsagar A., "Novel Carrier-reassignment PWM Techniques for Sub-Module Power Balancing in CHB Converters", IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) , 2022.
  • 526. Pramod R.; Basavarajappa S.; Veeresh Kumar G.B.; Chavali M., "Drilling induced delamination assessment of nanoparticles reinforced polymer matrix composites", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science , 2022.
  • 527. Pandey S.K.; Shekhawat H.S.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Bhasin S.; Jasuja R., "A deep tensor-based approach for automatic depression recognition from speech utterances", PLoS ONE , 2022.
  • 528. Bhattacharjee M.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Guha P., "Speech/music classification using phase-based and magnitude-based features", Speech Communication , 2022.
  • 529. Chatterjee A.; Khadirnaikar S.; Shukla S., "Development and validation of stemness associated LncRNA based prognostic model for lung adenocarcinoma patients", Cancer Biomarkers , 2022.
  • 530. Cao Y.; Rai A.; Sandeep R.B.; Ye J., "A Polynomial Kernel for Diamond-Free Editing", Algorithmica , 2022.
  • 531. Pandey S.K.; Shekhawat H.S.; Bhasin S.; Jasuja R.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Alzheimer’s Dementia Recognition Using Multimodal Fusion of Speech and Text Embeddings", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.
  • 532. Dhriti Ranjan Dolai, Anish Mallick, "A theorem on the multiplicity of the singular spectrum of a general Anderson-type Hamiltonian", Journal of Spectral Theory , 2021.
  • 533. Borromeo J.C.; Kondepu K.; Fichera S.; Castoldi P.; Valcarenghi L., "Experimental demonstration of scalable and low latency crowd management enabled by 5G and AI in an accelerated edge cloud", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers , 2021.
  • 534. Joshi B.; Bhat R.V.; Bharath B.N.; Vaze R., "Minimization of Age of Incorrect Estimates of Autoregressive Markov Processes", 2021 19th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2021 , 2021.
  • 535. Gagan G.B.; Jayanth S.; Bhat R.V., "Age of Information Minimization with Power and Distortion Constraints in Multiple Access Channels", 2021 19th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2021 , 2021.
  • 536. Agarwal S.; Bhat R.V., "Age of Information Minimization in Energy Harvesting Sensors with Non-Ideal Batteries", Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM , 2021.
  • 537. Desai R.; Guha A.; Seshu P., "A comparison of different models of passive seat suspensions", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering , 2021.
  • 538. Sawant K.R.; Shrikanth V., "Energy dissipation and behavioral regimes in an autonomous double pendulum subjected to viscous and dry friction damping", European Journal of Physics , 2021.
  • 539. Das S.; Gahlawat H.; Sahoo U.K.; Sen S., "Cops and Robber on some families of oriented graphs", Theoretical Computer Science , 2021.
  • 540. Prabuchandran K.J.; Penubothula S.; Kamanchi C.; Bhatnagar S., "Novel First Order Bayesian Optimization with an Application to Reinforcement Learning", Applied Intelligence , 2021.
  • 541. Bodas T.; Ganesh A.; Manjunath D., "Pigouvian Tolls and Welfare Optimality with Parallel Servers and Heterogeneous Customers", Journal of the Indian Institute of Science , 2021.
  • 542. Prasad V.; Pawaskar D.N.; Seshu P., "Controller design and multi-objective optimization of heavy goods vehicle suspension system by geometry-inspired GA", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization , 2021.
  • 543. Pattanashetti A.; Santhosh R., "Computational Fluid Dynamics of Co-axial Unconfined Isothermal Swirling Jets", Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering , 2021.
  • 544. Ajmal C.N.M.; Raghavendra I.V.; Naik S.; Ray A.; Krishnamoorthy H.S., "A Modified Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker with Reduced Arc for Low Voltage DC Grids", IEEE Access , 2021.
  • 545. Shukla S.; Khadirnaikar S., "RNA-Sequencing Analysis Pipeline for Prognostic Marker Identification in Cancer", Methods in Molecular Biology , 2021.
  • 546. Das T.; Gurusamy M., "Multi-Objective Control Plane Dimensioning in Hybrid SDN/Legacy Networks", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , 2021.
  • 547. Dixit S.; Gaonkar A.K., "Size effects of specific heat and elastic modulus on thermoelastic damping of geometrically nonlinear beam", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , 2021.
  • 548. Baghel S.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Guha P., "Effect of high-energy voiced speech segments and speaker gender on shouted speech detection", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021 , 2021.
  • 549. Sudro P.N.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Modification of misarticulated fricative /s/ in cleft lip and palate speech", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control , 2021.
  • 550. Boggavarapu P.; Ramesh S.P.; Avulapati M.M.; RV R., "Secondary breakup of water and surrogate fuels: Breakup modes and resultant droplet sizes", International Journal of Multiphase Flow , 2021.