Dr. Animesh Sahoo, Assistant Professor from the Power and Energy Group of the Electrical, Electronics, and Communication Engineering Department at IIT Dharwad, was recently invited as a guest speaker in the workshop.

Dr. Animesh Sahoo, Assistant Professor from the Power and Energy Group of the Electrical, Electronics, and Communication Engineering Department at IIT Dharwad, was recently invited as a guest speaker in the workshop titled 'Stability and Protection of Renewable Dominated Power Grids' held at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, from 6th Jan to 9th Jan 2025. 
He delivered a talk on 'Grid Code Requirement for Inverter-based Resources'. There were 70% academic and 30% industry participants, including various OEMs, and System Operator as Grid Controller of India. Research scholars from his group at IIT Dharwad who participated in this event were ANJAN KRISHNA, Hemasunder J and Abhishek Saini. This workshop served as an excellent forum for academics and industry professionals to exchange stimulating ideas. It paved the way for additional study and advancement.