
Displaying 401 - 450 of total 820 publications
Source: Scopus
  • 401. Mishra J.; Gandra J.; Patil V.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Issues in Sub-Utterance Level Language Identification in a Code Switched Bilingual Scenario", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications , 2022.
  • 402. Gogoi P.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Automatic Rhythm and Speech Rate Analysis of Mising Spontaneous Speech", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.
  • 403. Krushnamurthy P.H.; Subramanya K.S.; Das S.; Dhananjaya G.; Mahanta N., "Recent Advancements in Bottromycin Biosynthesis", Synlett , 2022.
  • 404. Chattopadhyay S.; Mukhopadhyay A., "Weakly viscoelastic film flowing down a rotating inclined plane", Physics of Fluids , 2022.
  • 405. Lohit S.K.; Thube Y.S.; Gotkhindi T.P., "Comparative Study Between Visibility and Diffraction Methods for LEFM in Element Free Galerkin Method", Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering , 2022.
  • 406. Pattanshetti A.; Santhosh R.; Attar N., "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Recirculation Structures in Isothermal Swirling Coaxial Jet", Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME , 2022.
  • 407. Shashikala T.D.; Sunitha S.L.; Basavarajappa S., "Quantification of worn surface using digital image processing", Tribology International , 2022.
  • 408. Bai M.M.G.; Bramhaiah K.; Bhattacharyya S.; Rao R.M., "Acid-Modulated Synthesis of Novel π-Conjugated Microporous Polymers for Efficient Metal-Free Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution", Chemistry - A European Journal , 2022.
  • 409. Annappa A.R.; Basavarajappa S.; Davim J.P., "Effect of organoclays on mechanical properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy nanocomposite", Polymer Bulletin , 2022.
  • 410. Joshi S.; Roy R.; Bhat R.V.; Hathi P.; Akhtar N., "Dynamic Distributed Threshold Control for Spatial Reuse in IEEE 802.11ax", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022 , 2022.
  • 411. Mahara S.S.; Shruti M.; Bharath B.N., "Multi-Task Federated Edge Learning (MTFeeL) With SignSGD", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022 , 2022.
  • 412. Chintapalli V.R.; Gudepu V.; Kondepu K.; Sgambelluri A.; Franklin A.; Tamma B.R.; Castoldi P.; Valcarenghi L., "WIP: Impact of AI/ML Model Adaptation on RAN Control Loop Response Time", Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2022 , 2022.
  • 413. Pansari N.; Saiya R., "Fake Packet Generation, Detection and its analysis using Network Security", 2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2022 , 2022.
  • 414. Krishnendu S.; Bharath B.N.; Garg N.; Bhatia V.; Ratnarajah T., "Learning to Cache: Federated Caching in a Cellular Network with Correlated Demands", IEEE Transactions on Communications , 2022.
  • 415. Ul Haq F.; Chakravarthi K.; Saini A.; Bhui P.; Parashari G.S., "An Injection Sensitivity Based Game Theoretic Approach Towards Multi-Line Congestion Control in Smart Grid Using V2G", IET Conference Proceedings , 2022.
  • 416. Tzudir M.; Bhattacharjee M.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Low-Resource Dialect Identification in Ao Using Noise Robust Mean Hilbert Envelope Coefficients", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022 , 2022.
  • 417. Kumar P.; Khadirnaikar S.; Bhandari N.; Chatterjee A.; Shukla S., "An epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity signature identifies two novel LncRNAs with the opposite regulation", Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology , 2022.
  • 418. Barua A.K., "A boundary integral method to investigate pattern formation in a rotating Hele-Shaw cell with time dependent gap", Computers and Mathematics with Applications , 2022.
  • 419. Raja P.V.; Dupouy E.; Bouslama M.; Sommet R.; Nallatamby J.-C., "Estimation of Trapping Induced Dynamic Reduction in 2DEG Density of GaN-Based HEMTs by Gate-Lag DCT Technique", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 2022.
  • 420. Kumar D.; Patil P.K.V.; Agarwal A.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Fake Speech Detection Using OpenSMILE Features", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.
  • 421. Arya L.; Agarwal A.; Mishra J.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Analysis of Layer-Wise Training in Direct Speech to Speech Translation Using BI-LSTM", 2022 25th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-Ordination and Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques, O-COCOSDA 2022 - Proceedings , 2022.
  • 422. Martin-Perez J.; Kondepu K.; De Vleeschauwer D.; Reddy V.; Guimaraes C.; Sgambelluri A.; Valcarenghi L.; Papagianni C.; Bernardos C.J., "Dimensioning V2N Services in 5G Networks Through Forecast-Based Scaling", IEEE Access , 2022.
  • 423. Haq F.U.; Bhui P.; Chakravarthi K., "Real Time Congestion Management Using Plug in Electric Vehicles (PEV's): A Game Theoretic Approach", IEEE Access , 2022.
  • 424. Martha P.; Ganga K.M.; Sebastian A.; Seena V.; Kadayinti N., "A Closed-Loop In-Plane Movable Suspended Gate FET (CLIP-SGFET) Sensor With a Dynamically Reconfigurable Charge Pump", IEEE Sensors Journal , 2022.
  • 425. Kumar A.; Satyannarayana R.; Rajesh B.G., "Correlation between SPT-N and shear wave velocity (VS) and seismic site classification for Amaravati city, India", Journal of Applied Geophysics , 2022.
  • 426. Nandakumar S.; Raghavendra I.V.; Ajmal C.N.M.; Banavath S.N.; Rajashekara K., "A Modular Bidirectional Solid-State DC Circuit Breaker for LV and MVDC Grid Applications", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics , 2022.
  • 427. Gudepu V.; Pappu B.; Javvadi T.; Bassoli R.; Fitzek F.H.P.; Valcarenghi L.; Devi D.V.N.; Kondepu K., "Edge Computing in Micro Data Centers for Firefighting in Residential Areas of Future Smart Cities", International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, ICECCME 2022 , 2022.
  • 428. Ramanathan S.; Bhattacharyya A.; Kondepu K.; Razo M.; Tacca M.; Valcarenghi L.; Fumagalli A., "Demonstration of Containerized Central Unit Live Migration in 5G Radio Access Network", Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization: Network Softwarization Coming of Age: New Challenges and Opportunities, NetSoft 2022 , 2022.
  • 429. Srivastava A.; Maity R.; Desai V.R., "Assessing Global-Scale Synergy Between Adaptation, Mitigation, and Sustainable Development for Projected Climate Change", Springer Climate , 2022.
  • 430. Bhattacharjee M.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Guha P., "Speech Music Overlap Detection Using Spectral Peak Evolutions", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.
  • 431. DE SCHEPPER A.; Sastry N.S.N.; VAN MALDEGHEM H., "Buildings of exceptional type in buildings of type E7", Dissertationes Mathematicae , 2022.
  • 432. Jeslin Jacob M.; Dinesh A.; Mulla A.K., "On Bilateral Teleoperation of Multi-agent Systems: Bearing-based Formation Tracking Control", 2022 8th Indian Control Conference, ICC 2022 - Proceedings , 2022.
  • 433. Rani S.; Kumar A.; Ghosh D.S., "Optical Designing of Perovskite Solar Cells", IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics , 2022.
  • 434. Ramani N.; Mondal S., "A Deep Dive into CORDIC Architectures to Implement Trigonometric Functions", Communications in Computer and Information Science , 2022.
  • 435. Shafi O.; Chauhan S.K.; Ananthanarayanan G.; Sen R., "DynCNN: Application Dynamism and Ambient Temperature Aware Neural Network Scheduler in Edge Devices for Traffic Control", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series , 2022.
  • 436. Bharath K.N.; Madhu P.; Mavinkere Rangappa S.; Basavarajappa S.; Siengchin S.; Alexey K.; Gorbatyuk S., "Waste coconut leaf sheath as reinforcement composite material with phenol-formaldehyde matrix", Polymer Composites , 2022.
  • 437. Joshi S.; Guruprasad G.; Kulkarni S.; Ghosh R., "Reduced Graphene Oxide Based Electronic Sensors for Rapid and Label-Free Detection of CEA and CYFRA 21-1", IEEE Sensors Journal , 2022.
  • 438. Nandi S.; Sen S.; Taruni S., "On Relative Clique Number of Triangle-Free Planar Colored Mixed Graphs", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.
  • 439. Kumar P.; Pallantla M.; Kshirsagar A.; Mohan N., "A New PWM Technique for Modular Multi-Level Converters: Simulation & Hardware Validation", 2022 IEEE 7th Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2022 , 2022.
  • 440. Khandeparkar K.; Swain S.N.; Chaturvedi P., "Efficient Data Processing and Storage at Phasor Data Concentrators in Smart Grids", 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, SGRE 2022 - Proceedings , 2022.
  • 441. Pandey S.K.; Shekhawat H.S.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Attention gated tensor neural network architectures for speech emotion recognition", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control , 2022.
  • 442. Mudakavi D.; Sreesha R.B.; Kumar V.; M Adinarayanappa S., "A comprehensive experimental investigation on mechanical properties and fracture morphology of particulate composites via material extrusion-based 3D printing", Results in Materials , 2022.
  • 443. Reddy Padala S.; Saikia D.; Mikkonen J.J.W.; Uurasjärvi E.; Dekker H.; Schulten E.A.J.M.; Bravenboer N.; Koistinen A.; Chauhan A.; Singh S.P.; Kullaa A.M., "Irradiation Induced Biochemical Changes in Human Mandibular Bone: A Raman Spectroscopic Study", Applied Spectroscopy , 2022.
  • 444. K A.R.; Gorthala G.; Ghosh R.; Malakalapalli R.R., "Tetrazine-based 1D polymers for the selective chemiresistive sensing of nitrogen dioxide via the interplay between hydrogen bonding and n-heteroatom interactions", Polymer Journal , 2022.
  • 445. Gawas A.S.; Patil D.V., "Natural convection heat transfer with anisotropic thermal diffusion for tilted two-dimensional cavities", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 2022.
  • 446. Praveen Kumar N.; Balasubramanya N.M., "DNN-based Active User Detection for an NB-IoT Compatible Grant Free NOMA System", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference , 2022.
  • 447. Saikia D.; Jadhav P.; Hole A.R.; Krishna C.M.; Singh S.P., "Unraveling the Secrets of Colistin Resistance with Label-Free Raman Spectroscopy", Biosensors , 2022.
  • 448. Singh P.; Mondal S.; Rengarajan K.S., "Low Power, Wideband SiGe HBT LNA Covering 57-64 GHz Band", Communications in Computer and Information Science , 2022.
  • 449. Bonafini S.; Sacchi C.; Bassoli R.; Kondepu K.; Granelli F.; Fitzek F.H.P., "End-to-end performance assessment of a 3D network for 6G connectivity on Mars surface", Computer Networks , 2022.
  • 450. Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Karpov A.; Samudravijaya K.; Agrawal S.S., "SPECOM 2022 Preface", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2022.