
Internal Complaints Committee(ICC)

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) would address incidents of sexual harassment on IIT DHARWAD Campus. Any woman (student, faculty, staff or visitor on campus) can approach the ICC for reporting sexual harassment.

 Contact ICC :

Members of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

Prof Ms Ridhima Tewari

Presiding Officer

Associate Professor, Department of HEART, IIT dhArwAD
Prof Dhiraj V Patil


Dean FW, IIT dhArwAD
Prof Amlan K Barua


Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT dhArwAD
Prof Ms Meenatchidevi M


Assistant Professor, Department of MMAE, IIT dhArwAD
Prof Ms Shraddha Srivastava


Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT dhArwAD
Prof Ms Samatha Benedict


Assistant Professor, Department of EECE, IIT dhArwAD
Prof Chandrika Kamath

External Member 

Visiting Faculty, Department of HSS, IIIT Dharwad
Ms Praseeda T P


Junior Superintendent, IIT dhArwAD


Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, Act

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, Rules 

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, Handbook 

Recommended Panel of Institutes/Organizations for Imparting Training Related to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 

View Gallery of "Gender Sensitization Workshop for New BTECH Students" held on 2nd August, 2019 at IIT DHARWAD.