Workshop: "Uplifting Self and Others"
Speaker: Ms. Rakshitha Ghadge, YourDOST
Time: Saturday, October 14th, 2023, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Venue: Room F300, 1st floor, CLT, Permanent Campus
The Counselling Center at IIT DHARWAD provides assistance and counselling service to all residents of the campus.
There are two options available to anyone who wishes to seek counselling services:

IIT Dharwad in cooperation with YourDOST -- a professional online counselling service, provides a direct link to anyone at IIT Dharwad to contact them and seek their services without any charge.

TeleMANAS works with a network of Hubli-Dharwad based mental health hospitals and institutions to provide counselling both in-person and over the telephone. Anyone can avail this service directly without having to go through the IIT DHARWAD counselling center.
Mental Fitness is as important as Physical Fitness
Faculties in charge
Prof Pradeep Yammiyavar
Prof Rajshekar K
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Student Wellness Mentor Program
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