Prof. D. Narasimha is a Honorary Visiting faculty member at the Department of Physics, IIT Dharwad and Emeritus Professor, GM University, Davanagere
Retired Professor - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai
Contact Information
- Email: d.narasimha@iitdh.ac.in
- Gravitational Lensing (Astrophysics and Cosmology)
Current Research
- Supernova Ia as standard candle. I use time evolution of spectral features like Doppler Shift, Equivalent widths and AI/ML to test if the local sample of Supernova Ia and the distant supernovae share the same parent population.
AI/ML in Climate:
The extreme rainfall at various locations in Karnataka during the last 50 years and the Bay of Bengal Sea Surface Temperature are used to study the rainfall pattern of the interior Karnataka, which is pron to frequent drought and deluge conditions.
Best South Indian Scientist (awarded by Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculty, 2017)
My Indo-French project with Dr. Yannick Mellier of IAP, Paris " Galaxy-Clusters as Gravitational lenses: A probe of Physical Cosmology?" (1997-2000) was considered among the most successful projects in the first 25 years of CEFIPRA (Indo-French Centre for the promotion of Research)