PhD Rules and Regulation of IIT DHARWAD
Please click here For PhD Rules and Regulation of IIT DHARWAD.
The applications for Ph.D. Admissions are open now

8th April 2024: The applications for Ph.D. for Departments of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil & Infrastructure Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Humanities, Economics, Arts and Rural Technologies; Mathematics; Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering; Physics.
Ph.D. Admission Brochure for Autumn 2024-25 |
For admission related queries, please contact
Admission Process for Autumn 2024-25
Sl. No. | Department | Application Link (Part-I) | Application Link (Part-II) |
1 | Biosciences and Bioengineering | Click Here | Click Here |
2 | Chemical Engineering | Click Here | |
3 | Chemistry | Click Here | |
4 | Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | Click Here | |
5 | Computer Science and Engineering | Click Here | |
6 | Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering | Click Here | |
7 | Humanities, Economics, Arts and Rural Technologies | Click Here | |
8 | Mathematics | Click Here | |
9 | Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering | Click Here | |
10 | Physics |
For all International Applicants to PhD program: All international applicants, i.e. those with a passport other than Indian Passport, can apply using the study-in-india portal to select programs in IIT Dharwad. Click Here
DIA Fellowship scheme: Government of India has announced a special fellowship scheme for applicants from ASEAN countries to PhD programs in IITs - Doctoral Fellowships in India for ASEAN (DIA). (Note- It was also referred to as ASEAN fellowship in the past.)
Website - and
DIA YouTube promotional video -
For any queries kindly contact