
Displaying 751 - 800 of total 820 publications
Source: Scopus
  • 751. Mishra U.; Prabhu R.; Rakshit D., "Quantum correlations in periodically driven spin chains: Revivals and steady-state properties", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 2019.
  • 752. Khadirnaikar S.; Kumar P.; Pandi S.N.; Malik R.; Dhanasekaran S.M.; Shukla S.K., "Immune associated LncRNAs identify novel prognostic subtypes of renal clear cell carcinoma", Molecular Carcinogenesis , 2019.
  • 753. Ray A.; Rajashekara K.; Banavath S.N.; Pramanick S.K., "Coupled Inductor-Based Zero Current Switching Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker Topologies", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , 2019.
  • 754. Patil D.U.; Mulla A.K., "Distributed Computation of Minimum Step Consensus for Discrete Time Multi-Agent Systems", 2019 5th Indian Control Conference, ICC 2019 - Proceedings , 2019.
  • 755. Das S.; Gahlawat H.; Sahoo U.K.; Sen S., "Cops and robber on some families of oriented graphs", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 2019.
  • 756. Choudhury H.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Synthesis of handwriting dynamics using sinusoidal model", Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR , 2019.
  • 757. Krishnendu S.; Bharath B.N.; Bhatia V., "Cache Enabled Cellular Network: Algorithm for Cache Placement and Guarantees", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , 2019.
  • 758. Desai R.; Guha A.; Seshu P., "Multibody Biomechanical Modelling of Human Body Response to Vibrations in an Automobile", Mechanisms and Machine Science , 2019.
  • 759. Kalita S.; Sudro P.N.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Dandapat S., "Nasal air emission in sibilant fricatives of cleft lip and palate speech", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2019.
  • 760. Ca G.S.; Bhowmik N.; Breckon T.P., "Experimental exploration of compact convolutional neural network architectures for non-temporal real-time fire detection", Proceedings - 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2019 , 2019.
  • 761. Singh A.; Arora A.; Patel S.H.; Jaswal G.; Nigam A., "FDFNet: A Secure Cancelable Deep Finger Dorsal Template Generation Network Secured via. Bio-Hashing", ISBA 2019 - 5th IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis , 2019.
  • 762. Leung C.T.; Bhat R.V.; Motani M., "Low-latency neural decoders for linear and non-linear block codes", Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM , 2019.
  • 763. Mulla A.K., "Leader selection for minimum time consensus in networks of discrete time systems", 2019 18th European Control Conference, ECC 2019 , 2019.
  • 764. Bhui P.; Prajapat G.P., "Estimation of Field Voltage as Unknown Input Without Exciter-PSS Model and Bad Data Detection", 2019 IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia, GTD Asia 2019 , 2019.
  • 765. Deka A.; Sarmah P.; Samudravijaya K.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Development of assamese text-to-speech system using deep neural network", 25th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2019 , 2019.
  • 766. Dubey A.K.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Dandapat S., "Hypernasality severity detection using constant Q cepstral coefficients", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2019.
  • 767. Malik P.K.; Guha A.; Seshu P., "Determination of Member Lengths for Building a Regular Tensegrity Structure: An Analytical Study", Mechanisms and Machine Science , 2019.
  • 768. Mandal S.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Sundaram S., "Exploration of CNN features for online handwriting recognition", Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR , 2019.
  • 769. Babu H.V.; Bai M.G.M.; Rajeswara Rao M., "Functional π-Conjugated Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces , 2019.
  • 770. Shrikanth V.; Archana S.; Bobji M.S., "A new method to study evaporation of sessile drop from permeable surfaces", Measurement Science and Technology , 2019.
  • 771. Garg N.; Sellathurai M.; Bettagere B.; Bhatia V.; Ratnarajah T., "Online Learning Models for Content Popularity Prediction in Wireless Edge Caching", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers , 2019.
  • 772. De A.K.; Muthiyan R.; Mondal S.; Mahanta N.; Bhattacharya D.; Ponraj P.; Muniswamy K.; Kundu A.; Kundu M.S.; Sunder J.; Karunakaran D.; Bera A.K.; Roy S.D.; Malakar D., "A natural quinazoline derivative from marine sponge hyrtios erectus induces apoptosis of breast cancer cells via ROS production and intrinsic or extrinsic apoptosis pathways", Marine Drugs , 2019.
  • 773. Hegde N.; Chang Q.; Kulkarni M., "D2P: From recursive formulations to distributed-memory codes", International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC , 2019.
  • 774. Chakrabarty S.; Sundaresh L.; Nagendra Rao P.S., "Automatic schemes for including generator Q and transformer tap limits in the fast decoupled load flow method", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution , 2019.
  • 775. Mukhopadhyay A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Barua A.K., "Stability of thin liquid film flowing down a rotating horizontal or inclined plane by momentum-integral method", European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids , 2019.
  • 776. Kalita S.; Girish K.S.; Pushpavathi M.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Dandapat S., "Objective assessment of cleft lip and palate speech intelligibility using articulation and hypernasality measures", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 2019.
  • 777. Kalita S.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Dandapat S., "Self-similarity matrix based intelligibility assessment of cleft lip and palate speech", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 778. Dey A.; Deka A.; Imani S.; Deka B.; Sinha R.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Sarmah P.; Samudravijaya K.; Nirmala S.R., "AGROASSAM: A web based Assamese speech recognition application for retrieving agricultural commodity price and weather information", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 779. De Schepper A.; Sastry N.S.N.; Van Maldeghem H., "Split buildings of type F4 in buildings of type E6 ", Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg , 2018.
  • 780. Kalita S.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Dandapat S., "Intelligibility assessment of cleft lip and palate speech using Gaussian posteriograms based on joint spectro-temporal features", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 2018.
  • 781. Phawade R., "Kleene theorems for free choice nets labelled with distributed alphabets", CEUR Workshop Proceedings , 2018.
  • 782. Cao Y.; Rai A.; Sandeep R.B.; Ye J., "A polynomial kernel for diamond-free editing", Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs , 2018.
  • 783. Gogoi P.; Kalita S.; Gogoi P.; Wayland R.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Analysis of breathiness in contextual vowel of voiceless nasals in mizo", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 784. Gopinath S.; Gettu R.; Iyer N.R., "Influence of prestressing the textile on the tensile behaviour of textile reinforced concrete", Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions , 2018.
  • 785. Yegnanarayana B.; Chandra Sekhar C.; Umesh S.; Narayanan S.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Message from general Department and co-chairs", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 786. Sarma B.D.; Dey A.; Lalhminghlui W.; Gogoi P.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Robust Mizo digit recognition using data augmentation and tonal information", Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody , 2018.
  • 787. Baghel S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Guha P., "Excitation source feature for discriminating shouted and normal speech", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications , 2018.
  • 788. De Schepper A.; Sastry N.S.N.; Van Maldeghem H., "Correction to: Split buildings of type F4 in buildings of type E6 (Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, (2018), 88, 1, (97-160), 10.1007/s12188-017-0190-5)", Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg , 2018.
  • 789. Zhang Y.; Pitchiaya S.; Cieślik M.; Niknafs Y.S.; Tien J.C.-Y.; Hosono Y.; Iyer M.K.; Yazdani S.; Subramaniam S.; Shukla S.K.; Jiang X.; Wang L.; Liu T.-Y.; Uhl M.; Gawronski A.R.; Qiao Y.; Xiao L.; Dhanasekaran S.M.; Juckette K.M.; Kunju L.P.; Cao X.; Patel U.; Batish M.; Shukla G.C.; Paulsen M.T.; Ljungman M.; Jiang H.; Mehra R.; Backofen R.; Sahinalp C.S.; Freier S.M.; Watt A.T.; Guo S.; Wei J.T.; Feng F.Y.; Malik R.; Chinnaiyan A.M., "Analysis of the androgen receptor-regulated lncRNA landscape identifies a role for ARLNC1 in prostate cancer progression", Nature Genetics , 2018.
  • 790. Bharath B.N.; Nagananda K.G.; Gunduz D.; Poor H.V., "Caching with Time-Varying Popularity Profiles: A Learning-Theoretic Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Communications , 2018.
  • 791. Khadirnaikar S.; Narayanan S.P.; Shukla S.K., "Decoding the LncRNA transcriptome of esophageal cancer: Identification of clinically relevant LncRNAs", Biomarkers in Medicine , 2018.
  • 792. Xiao L.; Tien J.C.; Vo J.; Tan M.; Parolia A.; Zhang Y.; Wang L.; Qiao Y.; Shukla S.; Wang X.; Zheng H.; Su F.; Jing X.; Luo E.; Delekta A.; Juckette K.M.; Xu A.; Cao X.; Alva A.S.; Kim Y.; MacLeod A.R.; Chinnaiyan A.M., "Epigenetic reprogramming with antisense oligonucleotides enhances the effectiveness of androgen receptor inhibition in castration-resistant prostate cancer", Cancer Research , 2018.
  • 793. Kumar S.; Rajeswara Rao M.; Ravikanth M., "Stable Core-Modified Doubly N-Fused Expanded Dibenziporphyrinoids", Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2018.
  • 794. Jelil S.; Kalita S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Sinha R., "Exploration of compressed ILPR features for replay attack detection", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 795. Kalayappan R.; Sarangi S.R., "Providing accountability in heterogeneous systems-on-chip", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems , 2018.
  • 796. Vikram C.M.; Tripathi A.; Kalita S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Estimation of hypernasality scores from cleft lip and palate speech", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 797. Isar P.; Rajeswara Rao M.; Ravikanth M., "Synthesis, Characterization, Sensing, and Coordination Properties of trans-Homoporphodimethenes", European Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2018.
  • 798. Sudro P.N.; Kalita S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Processing transition regions of glottal stop substituted /s/ for intelligibility enhancement of cleft palate speech", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 799. Kothapalli V.; Sarma B.D.; Dey A.; Gogoi P.; Lalhminghlui W.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Nirmala S.R.; Sinha R., "Robust Recognition of Tone Specified Mizo Digits Using CNN-LSTM and Nonlinear Spectral Resolution", INDICON 2018 - 15th IEEE India Council International Conference , 2018.
  • 800. Mandal S.; Choudhury H.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Sundaram S., "DNN-HMM Based large vocabulary online handwritten assamese word recognition system", Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR , 2018.