I teach courses related to analog circuits design and VLSI design (analog, digital and mixed signal). I also conduct lab courses related to basic circuits design and project labs in embedded systems.
Currently running courses
- Spring 2024-25 :
- EE - Mixed Signal VLSI Desgin (LTPC: 3-0-0-6)
- EE - VLSI Technology (LTPC: 3-0-0-6)
Courses I have taught previously
- Mixed signal VLSI Design (Graduate level course)
- CMOS Analog Integrated circuits (Graduate level course)
- EE406 VLSI Design
- EE202 Introduction to analog circuits
- EE204 Analog circuits
- EE207 Signals and Systems
- EE212 Devices and circuits lab
- EE314 Electronics Design lab
- EE230 Analog circuits lab
- EE208 Engineering Electromagnetics
- ME311 Hands on Engineering lab (Electrical Engineering component)
Other courses
- ATAL FDP in Dec. 2021: High performance Analog and Mixed signal VLSI System design : The recorded lectures and presentation slides can be accessed from ATAL-FDP-2021 (Link will be updated soon).
My semester wise course list
List of courses I have taught in past semesters are here