Abhijit Kshirsagar

Abhijit Kshirsagar Photograph

Email: kabhijit at iitdh.ac.in

Asst. Professor
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Dharwad, Karnataka

My Git Repo (GiTEA@IITDH)
GSite (needs iitdh login)

तत्कर्म यन्न बन्धाय सा विद्या या विमुक्तये। आयासायापरं कर्म विद्यान्या शिल्पनैपुणम्‌॥

Prospective Students

I am always looking for enthusiastic and motivated students to join my group. Some existing opportunities are described below. I urge prospective students to email me a brief note about your interests and skills and why you might be a good fit for my group (more details below).

Research Programs: M.S. / Ph.D.

IIT-Dharwad has research programs leading to the award of M.S. and Ph.D degrees. The M.S. program includes an excellent balance of coursework and research leading to a thesis, and is often a good stepping stone to the Ph.D program.

Currently, my research focus is on topologies and controls for interconnecting renewables to non-ideal grids, examining behavior during faults and under/over-voltage events. I also work on wide-bandgap based converters and topologies for domestic and low-voltage behind-the-meter applications including EV charging systems. These research problems (like most complex engineering problems) require a strong grasp of fundamentals and the tenacity to work systematically. The work requires a combination of hardware skills (circuit design, analysis, PCB layout, mechanical and industrial design, etc) and software skills (embedded programming for DSPs and FPGA programming, scripting, simulation, optimization, etc). If you have experience with these please highlight this in your email with specific examples.

Admissions to the research programs (M.S and Ph.D) are highly competitive, on the basis or qualifying exams, GATE scores, written tests and/or interviews as determined by prevailing institute policy. I strongly recommend you to apply even if you do not hear back from me.

Admissions Schedule

Admissions to the research programs are normally conducted twice in each academic year - once in May-June for August intake and October-November for January intake. Please see the IIT Dharwad sites for M.S. and Ph.D. programs. You can also see the Departmental Website, Group website and follow our group on LinkedIn and Twitter.

These positions are either MHRD funded (T.A. category) or Project Funded (R.A. Category).

Short Interships

There are a few short internship opportunities for students currently enrolled in a B. Tech program, typically for up to 6 months. Some of these may include a nominal stipend as well.

B. Tech Projects; R&D Projects

I offer one or more B.Tech projects in the power-electronics / electric drives domain with some component of embedded/IoT/open-source-software each year. If you are a current B. Tech student at IIT-DH interested in these topics, please email me.